Keshavsut | Taluka Dapoli

As per records, Keshavsut was born in the village of Malgund which lies in Ratnagiri district. But his birth date is still a topic of debate on whether it is 15th March 1866 or 7th October 1866. Although, on...

Dr. Pandurang Vaman Kane

The rise of the British Empire and the fall of the Peshwa rule brought a radical change in the social and cultural life of Maharashtra. The British laid down the foundation of modern education here, considering the hold of...

Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve

Dapoli is developing as a tourist destination these days. But truth be told, it must develop more as a historic place. That is because this holy place has given birth to great leaders who served the country and whose...

Raghunath Dhondo Keshav Karve

He not only predicted future complications like population growth and sexual problems, but also did a lot of work to find a solution for it. But then too, he was unappreciated and alone in his battle, even in this...

First Indian Wrangler : Raghunath Purushottam Paranjape from Dapoli

Not only did he always score first place in the University exams in India, but also topped the mathematical tripos exams at the University of Cambridge, after which, he became the first Indian to receive the honor of ‘Senior...

Recent Articles

Historian of Konkan – Anna Shirgaonkar visited Anna Shirgaonkar for an interview. Anant Dhondu Shirgaonkar also known as Anna Shirgaonkar. He is called as historian of Konkan. His contribution towards...

Keshavsut | Taluka Dapoli