Dapoli Mallakhamb Association


In the year 2013, Mr. Mangesh Rane, Mr. Vivay Bhuvad and many other Mallakhamb (Maharashtra’s native gymnastic sport) lovers established the ‘Dapoli Taluka Mallakhamb Association’ so that they could prevent Maharashtra’s native sport from being forgotten and so that they could train the new generation for this sport.

The association received a huge response along with increase in number of children applying. Considering these increasing number of applications, more Mallakhamb associations like ‘Sarkhel Kanhogi Angre Association, Harnay’, ‘Suruchitta Mallakhamb Group, Dapoli’ and ‘Triveni Mallakhamb Association, Aasud’ were formed. Mr. Mangesh Rane and Mr. Gaurav Rane train young athletes at Sarkhel Kanhogi Angre Association, Harnay. Mr. Mangesh Rane, is an employee of the RDC Bank (Ratanagiri District Central) branch at Harnay. Mr. Vijay Pandurang Bhuvad, who is a trainer at ‘Suruchitta Mallakhamb Group, Dapoli’, has been trained by Mr. Mangesh Rane. Mr. Bhuvad is an employee at ‘Aadrniya Gopalkrushna Sohani Prathamik Vidyamandir, Dapoli’. The Dapoli Taluka Mallakhamb Association organizes almost 10 – 15 events in a year. They aspire to do many Mallakhamb events in the village (on public demand) and they have been successful in doing so for the past 3-4 years. The four athletes named Gaurav Rane, Yash Bhuvad, Pankaj Bhuvad and Partha Devgharkar from ‘Sarkhel Kanhogi Angre Association, Harnay’, ‘Suruchitta Mallakhamb Group, Dapoli’, have played on a national level. Siddhi Kadam who is a student of the Suruchitta Mallakhamb Group, was chosen as the best athlete (among 156 participants) at the Daring Games Competition held at the Rani Lakshmhibai School, Pune.

Mallakhamb is a versatile sport which gives strength to the body and the mind equally. It includes yoga and many physical exercises and was also included in the schools curiculum in the old days. The government is preparing to include it in today’s school curriculum too, but, it needs special attention. A few years back, this sport was on the verge of extinction, but, many loyalists of the game spread awareness about it through various mediums and gave the dying sport a new life. Clubs like the Dapoli Taluka Mallakhamb Association are not only helping keep the sport alive, but also introducing it to modern ways in order to cope up to the progressing world. All they ask for is for parents to remove fear from their minds and introducing their kids to this amazing sport.

                                   Dapoli Mallakhamb Association 

Contact – Dapoli Mallakhamb Association


  1. Mr. Mangesh Rane – 8806133284
  2. Mr. Vijay Bhwanda – 9270713508             
  • Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre Mallakham Sangh, Harnai, Nathdwar Nagar
  • Suruchitta Mallakham Group Dapoli, Gimhawane, Srajan Nagar, Kokamba Aali, Bhairimandir Road, Dapoli



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