Dapoli’s Ayurveda expert – Bhaave Aaji


Human health is being compromised due to modern lifestyle. Even doctors seem to be helpless before some diseases. Besides, modern medical science still hasn’t figured out medicines for few diseases. At times like this, we can always rely on ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is a vast and towering tradition which is more than 3000 years old. Ayurvedic treatment methods look at a 360 degree approach which comprises of medicinal herbs, nutritional regimes, types of physical exercises and special emphasis on increasing body’s natural immunity. Kunitai, who lives in Gavhe village in Dapoli, is one such ayurvedic doctor who is recommended strongly by many modern medicine doctors. Her complete name is Mangala Jagannath Bhave. Both her maternal family (after marriage) and her family of in-laws, belong to the village of Gavhe. Hence, people started calling her Kunitai instead of her real name, which was, Kaumudhini.

Kunitai grew up with 3 sisters and 2 brothers, but she was the one who continued the family legacy of ayurvedic medicine. She studied ayurvedic medicine for 27 years under the mentorship of her father. Even after having very little school/formal education, her knowledge of Ayurveda and nutrition is tremendous. She had dedicated her entire life to Ayurveda and farming. Before her father, her cousin uncle used to be the ayurvedic doctor. He even knew the secret to making medicinal ash.

Mrs. Bhave can prescribe ayurvedic medicines for almost any disease, provided, she sees patient herself and performs Nadipariksha (rare diagnosis done by reading the pulse of the patient. This is necessary because, there are different medicines that can be used to treat a disease, but understanding the patient’s condition, diet and natural resistance. She then treats those patients with ayurvedic medicines made from medicinal trees, shrubs, creepers and grass. Sometimes the medicines are in the form of tablets or syrups and sometimes in form of medicinal skin packs. As per Mrs. Bhave, trees have 5 parts (leaves, flowers, trunk, roots and bark) and all these 5 parts are medicinal in nature; thus making all the trees around us medicinal.

Mrs. Bhave is frequently visited not only by patients from many villages for medicinal cure, but also by students & professors from medicinal universities for her guidance and expertise. When asked about her practice of medicine, she says “The only reason her practice is still going on, is because there are still forest lands in Dapoli. If deforestation and land over abuse is not stopped, then ayurvedic medicine is surely close to extinction.”


Mrs. Bhave’s noble work and efforts have been recognized and rewarded by many institutions in Dapoli. The editor of a famous news channel too felicitated her for her great work in the field of Ayurveda. It deserves to be said that, the future & health of Dapoli is safe because of knowledgeable people of rare genius like Mrs. Bhave.


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